NOTICE TO USERS CONCERNING VIRUSES; LIMITATION OF LIABILITY A "virus" is a computer program which is deliberately engineered to corrupt or hinder operation of a computer system. Such malicious programs are occasionally written for unknown purposes. The criminal codes of virtually all states specifically prohibit the creation or distribution of malicious computer programs. The ___________________________ BBS operates as a point for the free exchange of information. Accordingly, program files are posted automatically through the BBS software. The The Example BBS RBBS System BBS will not willfully distribute viruses or other malicious programs, and will report to proper authority users who attempt to do so. Files posted by users are not verified prior to their availability for transfer. THEREFORE USERS ARE REQUIRED TO PERFORM SUCH ANTI-VIRAL CHECKING OR OTHER VERIFICATION OF FILES PRIOR TO USING THE SAME ON THEIR SYSTEM OR PERMITTING OTHERS TO USE SUCH FILES. If a user of this system believes that a file which they obtained through this system is a virus or malicious program, a private message to the SYSOP should be left as soon as possible. If any program is proven to contain malicious code or a virus, it will be deleted from the system. In consideration of the use of this system, all USERS ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES AS TO MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHER U.C.C. WARRANTY GIVEN AS TO FILES AND USERS ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE SUCH STEPS AS THEY DEEM NECESSARY TO PROTECT THEIR SYSTEMS.